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Gedicht van de week
Poëzie kan mooi zijn, leuk, aangrijpend enzovoorts. Schrijven Online trakteert elke zaterdag op een gedicht van een andere schrijver. Deze week het gedicht 'The Double', geschreven door Heinrich Heine en vertaald door John Hollander.
The Double
The night is still, the streets are calm,
My darling lived there, in this house;
It was long ago that she left town,
But the house still stands in the selfsame place.
A man, too, stands there, staring upward
And wrings his hands in agony;
I shudder with dread when I see his visage -
It's my own image the moon shows me.
You, Double, you pale companion! you
Mimic my pangs of love - but why?
They tortured me in this very spot
So many nights in times gone by!
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